Name Of Allah Subhan-Wa-Tala

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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Fear Of Allah

We have not sent down the Qur'an to thee to be (an occasion) for thy distress, But only as an admonition to those who fear (Allah),-

 (Surah Taha Verse 2 And 3 )

Who Rejected Allah ???

To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and the Day that the Hour of Judgment is established,- that Day will the dealers in Falsehood perish! {27} And thou wilt see every sect bowing the knee: Every sect will be called to its Record: "This Day shall ye be recompensed for all that ye did! {28} "This Our Record speaks about you with truth: For We were wont to put on Record all that ye did." {29} Then, as to those who believed and did righteous deeds, their Lord will admit them to His Mercy that will be the achievement for all to see. {30} But as to those who rejected Allah, (to them will be said): "Were not Our Signs rehearsed to you? But ye were arrogant, and were a people given to sin! {31} "And when it was said that the promise of Allah was true, and that the Hour- there was no doubt about its (coming), ye used to say, 'We know not what is the hour: we only think it is an idea, and we have no firm assurance.'" {32} Then will appear to them the evil (fruits) of what they did, and they will be completely encircled by that which they used to mock at! {33} It will also be said: "This Day We will forget you as ye forgot the meeting of this Day of yours! and your abode is the Fire, and no helpers have ye! {34} "This, because ye used to take the Signs of Allah in jest, and the life of the world deceived you:" (From) that Day, therefore, they shall not be taken out thence, nor shall they be received into Grace. {35} Then Praise be to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth,- Lord and Cherisher of all the Worlds! {36} To Him be glory throughout the heavens and the earth: and He is Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom! {37}

(Surah  Al-JathiyaVerse 27 To 37)